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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for 12.012.0
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
MSKABN2HEDAdmin - Fixed an issue in the Admin client where, when trying to manage a vault server to do an action like add/remove a vault server, the error...
CSIOBR2L6YServer - Fixed an issue where issuing a FIND on a given user resulted in an error about "Field is too large (32K) or View's column & selection...
SRKMBRREGHUsers with author access only can now create adminp requests to modify group membership. Prior to this fix an error about "Both the signer and the...
RDRABQ8B7NServer - New server INI "ENABLE_AUTOPOP_MAILEXPANDNAMES_FULLNAME" has been added to resolve the email address added in Forwarding Address in the...
NBALBS8C6VAdmin - Fixed an issue where UTF8 characters were not supported when registering users via a text file. This will allow user names with...
VVENBPB76SServer - Admin - Fixed an issue in Admin client where Replication Topology - By Connections gives an error Unable to parse topology XML data:...
CSAHBW5QR7Server - Administration - Fixed an issue where trying to register a Notes user that was already in the Domino directory via AD Sync was giving an...
CSAHBVHQ8BAdministration - Active Directory - Fixed an issue where dialog was being displayed for "Use the current Active Directory contact person record.."...
Hide details for Administration ClientAdministration Client
AGUD95TKD8Admin Client - Updated the validation for server name to disallow underscores (_) and periods (.). To use the old validation, use the client side...
Hide details for AdminpAdminp
NVENBN2UVSAdminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin...
MSKABNQN37Admin - Fixed an issue where the Administration Process was not updating the Verse profiles during a user rename when processing the "Rename Person...
UMAKBMRKEXServer - Adminp - During renames with special characters the adminp request would stop processing after the Rename Person in Domino Directory...
Hide details for AlarmsAlarms
SLAE9PPJS8Client - Mac - Alarms - Fixed an issue where Notes would steal focus from the current application when a calendar alarm was displayed in...
Hide details for Alternate Name SupportAlternate Name Support
CSAOBXV3F4iNotes - Fixed an issue where delegation didn't work correctly for an iNotes user using an alternate name. Adminp would fail with an error about "The...
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSBULQKBProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where parentheses in a value string would result in the error Query is not understandable. Workaround is to...
JCUSBUVQB5Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where @ALL was returning an error on empty databases.
JCUSBUVSF6Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where trying to do a CONTAINS query when the database did not have a FT index was not returning an...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
SJARBH38LWClient - Attachments - Fixed an issue where reply/forward of an email that had an attachment would not include any updates made to the attachment...
JJMSBUD4ZLiNotes - Fixed an issue where when iNotes uploaded and sent a file with a long non-ASCII filename, it truncated the resultant very long content...
RKHABUZN9YClient - Attachments - Added back support for additional file types when viewing attachments - Notes will now show the View button as enabled but...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
PDARBNFC7NClient - Mac - Fixed a problem where a second repeating meeting could not be created after creating a repeating meeting. Error about too many dates...


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